Ketamine Sketches

In January, 2023, I started undergoing clinical ketamine treatments for depression and anxiety. This involves an intramuscular injection of ketamine under medical supervision, but does not include a guided session; appointments last two hours and, while monitored, are undertaken solitarily by the patient.

After each session, I have been journaling my thoughts and trying to draw some of the images that I’ve experienced. Because this is a dissociative anesthetic, it can be difficult to fully render the visions onto a two-dimensional surface; synesthesia is common, and images are often multimodal and complex. I’ve sketched these all into a simple composition notebook rather than onto drawing paper, partly as a way of capturing their fleeting nature. I’ve made all sketches with a combination of graphite, water-based marker, colored pencil, and watercolor. I continue to add sketches as I do new sessions.